If I recorded 30 Rock on my TiVo HD and plan to watch it later/the next day out in the other room, I’d have to remember to start the transfer before I go to bed that night. This means that you really have to plan ahead. However, it does take a long time depending on the length of the show and whether or not it’s in HD or not. The problem is that the process takes 4-6 weeks to complete. Now I can take shows recorded on my TiVo HD, transfer them to my Mac (thanks to Toast) and convert them into an Apple TV/iPod format and watch them on my Apple TV. If you want other content, you’re pretty much out of luck. However, the downside of Apple TV is that that’s all it does.
Also now that it has movie rentals, it’s even more useful. It’s no secret that I’m a fan of Apple TV! I like the concept of a box that allows me to wireless stream my content (photos, movies, music, podcasts, etc.) from my Mac to my TV with a very slick interface and simple remote. It was so simple and the beauty of it was that it wasn’t going to cost me a dime! That’s right, I already had a Mac mini just sitting in my home theater going to waste. That was it! That was the missing piece of the puzzle.
It was at that moment that I realized that if I used a Mac mini instead of an Apple TV, I’d be able to install the SlingPlayer app on it and stream content from my DVR to the other TV out in my pool/workout area.
I use the SlingPlayer on my MacBook Pro when I’m on the road to watch stuff recorded to my DVR. However, when I gave it a second thought the lightbulb came on! I already have a Slingbox Pro connected to one of my DVRs (the Comcast box in my office). The TV already has a CableCARD in it and I get live TV all day long. He talked about streaming shows from the internet. I thought that Ivan was missing the point. I was so stuck on adding another box to the mix to do the one thing that I was missing, that I never considered replacing the existing box I was using with one that was more capable! At first glance at Ivan’s comment, I dismissed it. Add Boxee to the mix, and you’ve got ABC, Hulu, Joost, local movies, local tv shows and so on on your TV.” – Ivan Has WiFi and could technically stream whatever you want, at least I think. “I’d suggest replacing the AppleTV with a MacMini :).
He suggested replacing my Apple TV with a Mac mini. Ivan suggested something that I hadn’t even considered. It was actually the second response by “Ivan” that really turned the tables. I’m happy to report that not only did you solve my problem, but you blew past my expectations with the stuff you guys came up with. It didn’t take long for the responses to start streaming in. Last week I put my blog readers to the task of giving me a way to stream content from my DVR to another TV wirelessly.